Return policy
How to return an item ?
You have 14 days from receipt of your order to return the product (s).
The returned product must be intact, in its original packaging. Items returned open, incomplete, damaged, damaged or soiled are not accepted.
A returned package without a customer number and / or order number cannot be processed.
Return for refund or exchange
Write to us at: contact@lacophena.fr . Fill in the reason for return as well as your order number by confirming your contact details. If your return is validated by our services, you will receive a return slip and the delivery will be taken care of by our services.
Prepare your product for return: pack it as much as possible so that it is protected during transport, ideally in the original package.
Drop off your package at the nearest post office.
Receipt of a defective product or damaged package.
If you notice once your package has been received that a product has been damaged:
Take pictures of your defective items.
Contact us at contact@lacophena.fr . We will respond as soon as possible.