Legal Notice
The e-commerce site www.yatamani.fr is concerned by these.
By virtue of article 6 of law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, it is clear to users of the website, the identity of the various stakeholders in the context of its implementation and of his follow-up
Yatamani is a brand of the Simplified Joint Stock Company with Variable Capital La Cophena Negoce & Consulting.
Chairman: Philippe GISQUET
RCS registration date: February 7, 22020
Registration number: 880 742 705 RCS Bordeaux
SIRET: 88074270500010
APE code: 4639B
VAT number: FR22880742705
Address: Immeuble P Rue Robert Caumont 33049 Bordeaux Cedex
Director of publication: Philippe GISQUET
Host: WIX - SA Manningtree CO11 2RY, United Kingdom
Data Protection Officer (DPO): Laetitia LABROTA
Read also :
Privacy policy: protection of personal data